4th Travel Insurance Forum

22 Apr

The 4th edition of Uniglobal’s Travel Insurance Forum was held in Prague, on 21st & 22nd of April. This highly successful event gathered together top internationally recognized industry leaders who had a chance to connect, network and gather information.Over the 2 days, the keynote presenters covered the most innovative and efficient strategies for improving distribution, operations, and product development, as well as, the current and future risk and challenges in partnering with assistance and air ambulance companies, and their operational efficiency.

The conference was lead by 2 excellent Chairmen (Khalid Sohail, Zurich Insurance and Soraia Lynch, GMMI,USA), who gave valuable input on each day, creating a very interactive atmosphere where participants took active part and discussed the pressing topics in travel insurance and assistance.

Uniglobal Team would like to thank all the participants for their involvement in this conference. Our special thanks go to our fantastic speakers for their in-depth presentations, and our Chairmen for their support and commitment.

We hope to see you all soon!
